Posts tagged "Esther Ku"
BMS launched Fat Eddy’s Comedy Joint!

BMS launched Fat Eddy’s Comedy Joint!

Bennett Media Studio launched its own comedy series – Fat Eddy’s Comedy Joint! We had a successful opening night on July 16, with a lively audience who were engaged and who laughed with us throughout the evening! Thank you again to our sponsors: IZZE sparkling juice and TERRA FOSSIL wine for making Fat Eddy’s Comedy...

Music Video by Esther Ku produced at BMS

This Music story was shot at the studio and was written and performed by Ku. Camera was a Canon 5D Mark11, DP was Ed Bennett. Editing by Sam Oh. One of The KuKu Girls, Esther Ku, recently finished this music video at Bennett Media Studio.

Ku Ku Girls have arrived.

Esther Ku, actor and comedienne, has teamed up with her sister Po  from California to do some  stage and Web TV performances here at Bennett Media Studio. Both sisters sing as well, which beckons from their music ( and Church) Family in Chicago. I first me Esther at the filming of  the TV series ”...