Artists at BMS / Culture Catch at BMS / Live Events / Music / Press / The Dustry Wright Show / Video
Vanessa Carlton Salon- Culture Catch Event
Bennett Media Studio was the stage for a private Vanessa Carlton concert. It was also a podcast presented in 5.1 surround sound! JAWBONE presented the CULTURE CATCH MUSIC SALON with MS. VANESSA CARLTON — an evening of champagne, food, music and smart conversation. This extraordinary night of music and talk affords a select group...
Music video “Someday” an official finalist for the 2010 Las Vegas Film Festival
When May Ling first suggested she take a music composition I wrote and turn it into a vocal song, I had no idea how far this project would go. And surprised I was. She not only wrote some beautiful lyrics and a haunting melody, but she sang it with such heartfelt passion, that the goosebumps...
Music Video by Esther Ku produced at BMS
This Music story was shot at the studio and was written and performed by Ku. Camera was a Canon 5D Mark11, DP was Ed Bennett. Editing by Sam Oh. One of The KuKu Girls, Esther Ku, recently finished this music video at Bennett Media Studio.
Julia Crowe performing solo in the ” Catacombs” at Bennett Media Studio.
Dusty Wright presents the ambient guitar textures of Ms. Julia Crowe in the Catacombs of Bennett Media Studios. This film was shot by candlelight and shows Julia’s talent as an eclectic guitarist. She plays a vamped Gibson Les Paul. Julia Crowe One-Take from Dusty Wright on Vimeo.
Walls are Closing- New Video New Site
May Ling is a singer/song writer for Bennett Media Studios. She and songwriter/producer Ed Bennett are dedicated to promoting social awareness of world issues. Half of all proceeds will to go a Non-Profit 401(3)c organization. The other half will defray costs and fund future artistic works. “The Walls are Closing” was written to commemorate the...
The Walls are Closing Video
Ed Bennett and May Ling recently co-wrote “The Walls are Closing” This Song was performed at the Schimmel Theater in New York City to benefit the Sichuan Earthquake Victims in China. Music and Lyrics Copyright Edward Bennett and May Ling 2008. The Slides were produced by Shi Yi Sheng and were displayed behind May Ling...